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Created by S.A Albert Butarbutar

Copyright 2009

Balikpapan,East Borneo


Time Management

The 5 Major time wasters

1. Spreading Yourself too thin by trying to do too many things at once.
Suggestion: You must set priorities for each day and,if necessary,eachhour.
Get the most important things done first.

2. Being afraid to coorperate with other teammates.
Suggestion: Convince your self if that it's not necessary to do everything yourself.
You can still be certain things are being done the way you want them to be when you work together.

3. Not wanting to say "no" to requests.
Suggestion: You can't say "yes" to everything without getting in over your head.
Decide what you must do and want to do and say "no" to all other requests

4. Being tied to the phone.
Suggestions: Have others screen your calls.
Use an answering machine when you don't want to be disturbed.
Schedule a telephone hour to return calls

5. Procrastinating.
Suggestions: Get those unpleasant chores done first if they're important.
Divide large tasks into smaller ones.
Reward yourself when you accomplish something.